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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Finaly named the fish

I recently bought 4 new fish believing that I was down to one. I thought that 3 of my fish went into the belly of a heron. I was mistaken. Only 1 of my previously purchased fish is still MIA. Now I have 7 fish. 6 of them can be seen here. Starting from the top left the white/grey one is name Skeletor, they golden one is name Midas. the orange and white under Midas is named Dixie (as in the orange Dixie cups). Just to the right of Dixie is a very spotty one named Sookie. Bottom row of fish, the one on the left that is mostly black with the bit of red on the nose is Rudolph, the last one seen here on the bottom right with the orange head and a striped body is Barbarella. The missing fish is hiding under a new shelf i put in. He is all black and named Obama. Scott picked that name out, and it has stuck. Today is rainy and about 50 degrees. i re-potted my water lilies.

After re-potting the lilies I climbed into the pond and repositioned a couple of the boulders at the bottom of the pond. then i put this large flat rock on top. That is the second time i have gone into my pond. It felt less shocking this time since the air was almost the same temp as the pond. But now i have a place for my lilies at about the right depth and the fish have a place to hide from herons on raccoons. We know that Obama likes it under there.

The blueberries by the pond are blooming.

Here is a very pretty columbine i planted a couple of days ago.

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