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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thank god i am free at last

It is April 15th. Pretty much all the tax returns are done or extended. I can go back to working normal hours and having weekends off. I spent the first hour at the office just cleaning and organizing. My desk is ship shape and the top floor is vacuumed. I do like a clean work space. This afternoon we will be having our end of tax season party. I will eat snacks and have a couple of drinks then go back home to relax. I will be either taking tomorrow or Friday off.

Not much with the garden, except we had a frost yesterday. i am glad my tomato starts were under plastic. they look as though no harm befell them. This weekend should be sunny so i hope to get a lot done outside.

just for fun here is a picture of one of my hostas coming up.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture of the hosta! It makes me think that spring might really be here, although I feel as though I have frost bite still! Congrats on surviving another tax season!
