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Monday, April 20, 2009

Busy 3-day weekend

The first of the rhodies to bloom. It is getting more sun than some of its neighbors.

We will start with Friday – I took the day off. Take that tax peeps. I relaxed as it was rainy outside during the morning. I repotted some tomato, melon, and herb starts. Now everything has a bigger home. Then Denise and I saw Monsters Verses Aliens – in 3D. it was a fun movie.
Stan is next to one of his favorite places to pee. My euforbia (probably spelled wrong)

Saturday I gathered yard garbage to be taken to the dump. This included 3 bags of cement, some broken cinder blocks, a couple of cement encrusted fencepost, and the rotted out flower boxes. I did this while Scott prepped a second salmon for smoking. Yes he caught another one. Then Scott hooked up the trailer and away we went - For about a block. He realized that the lights on the trailer were not working. So back home we went. I did some yard work for a bit and then went to Al’s for a little hanging basket talk they were putting on. I managed to escape with most of my money. Boy the lines were worse than Costco line. Took days to get out of there. By the time I got back Scott had fixed the trailer and off to the dump we went. Let me tell you, when a cement bag accidentally opens up, don’t breathe in. Not good. After the dump Scott and I went to our local rock store and picked up 2 yards of “garden mulch”, which is recycled yard debris. Then I vegged out the rest of the evening.

The veggie beds with their fresh load of compost.

Sunday after doing my grocery shopping I unloaded and spread all that mulch. I dashed upstairs for a quick shower then headed over to PM & Karry’s for a fun lunch and a bit of shopping. After returning home I placed a few rocks on the inside edge of the pond as we decided that the exposed pond liner is unattractive. I did a bit of fertilizing and watering and that is about it.

One of the first asparagus plants to come up. So far i see 4 coming up. Makes me nervous about the other 16. They might need to be replaced next spring. What a drag.

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