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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New path and new fish

Scott marked out the new path with this pink string last night. This morning I started digging it out. But first I removed all the plants that were on the left hand side in the bed and gave that area a quick till. I think the path is now ready for Scott to put the edge boards in and fill with gravel.Tulips are up all over the back yard. I had bought a bag of 50 from Costco last fall.

Here is a little fern baby. I think they are so groovy they way they are all curled up and then unfurl.

Here are the new Koi I bought today. I believe at least 2 of the 4 I purchased last summer have gone to their final resting place - perhaps in a heron.

So far they seem to have found a decent hiding place. I will have to buy some water Hyacinth this weekend to give them more cover.


  1. I am kinda jealous...your yard is beautiful and just keeps getting better & better!

  2. I can't wait to party in your beautiful yard! Come on June...
