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Friday, May 29, 2009

Pictures from the garden

The garden changes almost daily. I add thing, things bloom, Stan pees on them, bugs eat them, things die. So Scott and I thought we should capture a few pictures of the yard in bloom. Scott mowing the lawn. It always looks so wonderful after the grass is cut.
Stan is unimpressed with our efforts. All he needs is grass to roll in and things to pee on.

One of our favorite rhodies. We both like the kinds that have a darker contrasting center.

We started another new bed. This one is in front of the shop along the right side of the path from the house to the shop. This bed will be mostly oranges. I like the soft orange in the flower above.

These flowers were so perky.
Scott was sitting on the back porch near this cape fuchsia when a humming bird came by to feed. It startled him at first.

This is just a collection of pots on the back porch. You can see the cape fuchsia in the large pot and below i have mint, chives, heliotrope, and purple fountain grass.

Some cute little purple flowers in a hanging basket.


  1. Stan looks like he is laughing at you.

  2. That is because he is a commie

  3. I love your garden. It makes me a little jealous...I would take a picture of my garden but I do not think anyone is interested in a shriveled up cactus and a pot of dirt...
