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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hummingbirds in the area

There are two types of humming birds seen frequently in this area, they are the Anna's Hummingbird and the Rufous Hummingbird. This one above is the female Rufous Hummingbird and below is the male.
The adult male has a white breast, rufous face, upperparts, flanks and tail and an iridescent orange-red throat patch (gorget). Some males have some green on back and/or crown. The female has green upperparts, white underparts, some iridescent orange feathers in the center of the throat, and a dark tail with white tips and rufous base.
Rufous Hummingbirds usually have 2 eggs that hatch in about 16 days and stay in the nest an additional 20 days.

The Rufous Hummingbird is perhaps the most aggressive hummingbird. I have seen one chase another from my blueberries.

They are migratory ranging from Alaska to South America.

Here is the Male Anna's Hummingbird. He has a Rose-red iridescence all over head, like a helmet. His breast and belly are gray and green.
Here is the female. She has white underparts and grey green color on head and flanks.
Females nest from December to June. They typically have 2 broods, and some have 3. Like the Rufous they usually lay 2 eggs, and the nesting length is about the same.
Anna's Hummingbird does not really migrate. they move from feeding area to feeding area.
Last winter during the cold snap that lasted several days i had a visitor on the back porch. This little Anna's hung out waiting out the storm close to the feeder. I am not sure how she drank when the feeder appeared to be frozen, but she did.
Her feathers are fluffed out to keep her warm. She is pearched on my frog wind-chime.

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