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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Heron and hail

Last week i finished the tiles. Here they are. Some of the colors did not come out as i hoped, but they are good enough. I think it will look nice when Scott attaches it to the wall where the banister use to be. It will save him the effort of repairing the damage from the removal of the old banister.

The stair remodel has been dragging on due to salmon fishing. Scott hopes to catch one soon and there is only so much time do it in, so the stairs fall to the back burner.

The weather today is crappy typical Portland weather. i had hopes that i could do a bit of yard work today. I wanted to put in some edging on the back 40 and plant some shade plants there in front of all the rhododendrons, but no, too cold and wet.

At least this weather is an improvement of the bazaar stuff that fell from the sky last week.
It would be sunny one minute, big fluffy snow falling the next, and ultimately tons of hail or freezing rain. that is spring (or nearly so) in Portland.

Even though it is technically not spring, i call it spring as soon as the daffodils start coming up.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the tiles! Can't wait until Scott catches me a salmon! Yum!
