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Sunday, February 1, 2009

I crown thee ...

Today I planted my asparagus crowns. I had bought 15 Jersey Knight asparagus crowns yesterday at Portland Nursery. I have room for 3-5 more that i might get this coming week. I am filled with anticipation to see if they all come up even though I wont be able to harvest for a couple of years.

I also started some parsley seeds indoors, as they take such a long time to germinate. Next week I will plant the tomatoes and basil, also inside. If the weather is acceptable I will plant my peas outside.


  1. How much did you pay for the asparagus crowns? I'm trying to decide whether to start them from seeds, buy crowns locally or by mail order...

  2. The crowns i bought at portland nursery for a couple of bucks each. i have seen them at Al's for about 7 bucks. I think with crowns you might be able to eat them in a year instead of two years
