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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My little babies

Here are some of my seedlings. These are cilantro and behind them are some parsley seedlings. Those had sprouted before they had proper light. I am hoping they will straighten out.

These tiny guys are basil. I have all kinds of things sprouting. Just hope they all thrive and can find happy homes, either with me, or sold to someone. A girl needs to pay for her hobbies.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Glass tiles continued

It is now starting to look like something. I have done some colors. I think about five firings now. A few of the colors will change.
Today i worked on the green of the cat-tails. I did the sun a bit more orange, and I did some grey on the heron. It is all starting to come together.

The seed starting heating pads (warms up the soil) came today. so will be clearing some space and setting up my seed starting area in the garage. This is also where i work on my glass. To continue to do both seed starting and glass i will clear another area out in the garage where i can continue to work on these tiles.

Glass tiles in the works

Scott asked me to design a piece of glass work to go on the wall near the stairs where the old banister connected to the wall.
His suggestion was a blue heron. This is the design i have come up with. I have been working on this for a couple of weeks. The weekends is the only time i can work on it because i am tired after my long day at the office.
I have to do multiple firings so i can only do one or two colors at a time.
Garden related news - i planted some tomatoes seeds indoors along with a couple of other plants that need to be planted at the same time. Outside i have planted my peas.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I crown thee ...

Today I planted my asparagus crowns. I had bought 15 Jersey Knight asparagus crowns yesterday at Portland Nursery. I have room for 3-5 more that i might get this coming week. I am filled with anticipation to see if they all come up even though I wont be able to harvest for a couple of years.

I also started some parsley seeds indoors, as they take such a long time to germinate. Next week I will plant the tomatoes and basil, also inside. If the weather is acceptable I will plant my peas outside.