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Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is happening in the garden today

Pretty purple petunias
Crocosmia masonorum 'Lucifer'
I love the look of Crocosmia. Especially this vibrant red.

Rudbeckia hirta 'Autumn Colors'
AKA black eye Susan. I like this one because it is not
your typical yellow and black.

I am not sure what this one is. It looks a bit like
a coneflower but it is yellow and orange and has
those weird little trumpet flower parts coming
out where you would normally see petals.

My red petunia planter. It has some white posies and
a sweet potato vine in there.

I like the look of this delicate pink annual.
Here we have Chasmanthium latifolium
Norther Sea Oats
I like it because it looks a bit like bamboo and will have
really interesting seed heads.
Echinacea 'Big Sky Sundown"
a non purple coneflower.
The bees are totally loving this flower right now
Check out this mutant one. I think it is Siamese twins.
the stem is twice as thick as normal too.
Off to the left you can see a bee coming in for a landing.
A seashell cosmos
I grew these from seeds this year. I think i might
grow them next year as well.
This is a Cleom - also called a spider flower
for obvious reasons. they are kind of groovy.
Not much happening in the veggie garden. things are growing and
many have flowers.
Here is the bean trellis that Scott whipped together for me.
My tomato bed. Perhaps they are planted too close together.
Most if not all have green fruit right now.
so soon i can be eating tomatoes and tomatillos.
That's it for now.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Valley Garden Tour

The first garden was a very nice and organized garden
Beautiful rose

nice neat beds
the second garden was not photographed. it was just a regular garden. the third garden is here.

Cool black elderberry (i think)
The flowers of an "Indian bean tree"

now to the 4th and last garden This garden was full of nick knacks and do dads. looked like some spent a lot of time at the flea market

Do the gnomes pay homage to the bonsai?